Praise for Planet New York

Praise for




Tudor Alexander is the pen name of the author of Planet New York, who has written the story of a young Romanian couple who arrived in New York in the late 1970s.  The contrast between the Communist culture they have escaped and the new one they encounter reflects the author’s own experience.  He deftly captures the time and the changes required to adapt to the new world as they also struggle to get on with their lives.  This is a short, very interesting story that has a happy ending.  (Alan Caruba, Bookviews, March 2001)



It’s wonderful to be shown our country from another perspective.  This book does it so well, - it’s anthropologic in its perspective.  The characterizations throughout are clear and intriguing.

(A reader from Washington DC, Amazon Reviews)



Alexander’s jaunty tale of love and immigration is rich in humor and old-country aura, a story of a young Romanian couple that left the dictatorship of Ceausescu for the stone canyons of New York City, in America, the country of main character Nicki’s dreams…. Readers will breeze through this…. with eager glee buoyed by Alexander’s sweet wit and true gift for understanding the common tread connecting all of humanity, be they refugees or patriots alike.      (Geoff Rotunno, The Boox Review, March 2001)



It has been an enormous pleasure to read your book.  It brought back memories of my own first years in the US, with all the excitement and shock of discovering the new country, the inevitable comparisons with the world that we came from, all the hopes and the pains of the immigrant life.  You wrote in a very warm and personal way, which is one of the great qualities of the book.

(Daniela Power, Columbia, MD, Letter to Author)



Tudor Alexander skillfully paints a picture of what it was like for a young married couple to leave their known Romania for the promise of American freedom.  The couple pays a heavy price for this promise.  (Sarah Herman, Columbia, MD, Amazon Review)



… and then there are those tidbits: impressions, comments, thoughts, short sentences jotted in between the dialogue lines – they are the true gems mounted over the “first person” framework of the novel.  They represent a true delight for the one reading this youthful, energetic and optimistic novel, that causes the shiver one feels at the break of dawn, when one experiences an explosion of vitality, and one understands that everything is yet to come…An accurate and adequate writing style, effective, without lengthy or transitional paragraphs to slow the reader down…. The dialogue is very good.  It is alert, truthful, intelligent and always funny.  I believe the dialogue is a true accomplishment in this book…. The different scenes have a movie-like quality to them.  They have a wonderful cinematic quality.  (Ion Lazu, Writer, Bucharest, Romania, Letter to Author, Comments to the Romanian Edition)